A common problem in primary care; elbow pain and developing an easy-to-approach algorithm

Elbow pain and developing an easy-to-approach algorithm



elbow pain, strong primary care, family medicine


Elbow pain is a common complaint in primary care. It can originate from any part of the joint such as tendons, bursae, bones. Elbow pain can occur at any time in life with varying accompanying symptoms. Situations that will require the primary care physician to be alerted; Swelling and dislocation after trauma, swollen joint or rapidly increasing mass. It means that 85% of the diseases seen in the society can be treated with a well-trained family physician specialist. This, in turn, eases the burden of the second and third levels, provides easier access to the patient in need of the upper level and provides a cost-effective healthcare service. In primary care, it is the first point of contact for patients with diseases that are common in the community. A detailed anamnesis, correct examination request, treatment and then follow-up examination, gradual referral to the second step, ascribes an indispensable role to the first step in the diagnosis, treatment and solution of many diseases.


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How to Cite

Metin, S. (2023). A common problem in primary care; elbow pain and developing an easy-to-approach algorithm: Elbow pain and developing an easy-to-approach algorithm. Health of People Medical Journal, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from https://hopemj.com/ojs/index.php/HoPeMJ/article/view/5